Date: april 27, 2025
Registration opens: NOVEMBER 11, 2024
Swimmers (Click on the above box to register as a swimmer)
The AFS is more than just a swim. Many swimmers raise more than the $2000 goal.
Upon registration make the same commitment to fundraising that you bring to swim training. Swimmer slots are limited, so please avoid taking a slot from swimmers that are commited to raising at least the $2000 goal.
Swimmers are expected to provide their own Safety Kayaker.
To register click on the above button.
Safety Kayakers (Click in the above box to sign up)
Every Swimmer must have a kayaker as their safety partner and guide around the course. Swimmers must provide and register their own kayaker. We also need roving kayakers for each wave. Kayakers provide needed assistance and communicate with safety jet skis and boats. Kayaks can be rented from Capital SUP for $50. See "Kayak Rentals" link at "Participants Info" tab.
To register as a kayaker click on the above button.
General Volunteers (Click on the flag to volunteer)
Volunteers are the backbone of AFS and the key reason to the success of AFS. A variety of admin, land and on the water roles are available pre event for registration, tracking and pairing reports, merchandise sales, food and drinks, set up, safety and Event Day roles and tasks. All Volunteers are paired in the spirit of NSF's Team credo. Please join the AFS Team by clicking on the above button.
support the navy seals
Honor their memory, commitment and service by swimming in the Chesapeake Bay to remember their sacrifice and help those in need.
Make a personal, family, business or corporate donation to support the Annapolis Frogman Swim and the Navy SEAL Foundation.
We need experienced open water jet ski owner/operators, safety kayakers, open water lifeguards, general volunteers and fundraising swimmers! Register and make a donation today!

If you are interested in financially supporting the Annapolis Frogman Swim open this file: https://annapolisfrogman.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/AFS-Support-Request-Binder-1.pdf